Visit: Danish team to the Netherlands 17-20 April 2023

The Danish project team from Aalborg University and Green Hub Denmark visited the Netherlands, hosted by the Hanze University of Applied Sciences and the Municipality of Leeuwarden. A very productive knowledge exchange took place regarding PEDs and 'barriers to PEDs'.


A number of site visits and workshops have been held. Including a visit to the Zwette industrial estate in Leeuwarden, a presentation by the district electricity operator Liander about congestion in Leeuwarden, a visit to Warmtestad Groningen, a workshop on heating networks in Denmark and the Netherlands, and a modeling workshop to gain hands-on experience with the HUAS modelling tools and methods.

Aerial photo of Leeuwarden, de Zwette Industrial estate


Aerial photo of Leeuwarden, de Zwette Industrial estate.


The electrical grid congestion here is a major challenge. This is complicating the expansion or renewable energy generation, as well as the connection of new businesses to the grid. Realization of grid expansion is still years away. Flexibility options investigated to mitigate congestion prior to the further grid expansion are: peak shifting of electrical load, energy sharing synergies between local companies and district heating/cooling.



Site visit to it Swettehus


Site visit to it Swettehus, from where the many bridges in the province are controlled. It Swettehus has an almost self-sufficient energy system with solar power generation and battery storage. The heating of the building is using aquathermal energy from the adjacent canal.





Site visit to the District heating facility of Groningen Warmtestad. District heating is a way to bring more flexibility into the energy system and mitigate grid congestion.

Visit: Dutch team to Denmark 3-5 October 2023

The Dutch team from the Hanze University of Applied Sciences and The New Energy Coalition visited Aalborg in Denmark.


A full and exciting program was prepared by the hosts from Aalborg University and Green Hub Denmark. A variety of presentations, workshops and site visits gave the project partners a good appreciation of the challenge at hand. The main objective for Aalborg East is to become 100% sustainable energy sourced for the local energy system and district heating. Opportunities for industrial symbioses as well as synergies with local housing communities are being investigated.

City of Aalborg


Aalborg city with 144,744 inhabitants is a university city with a legacy of industry with shipyards, a cement factory, tobacco and textile industry, located strategically on the fjord. The city is heated by a district heating system which is fuelled by industrial residual heat from the Portland factory and the waste incineration plant Nordvӕrk as well as the coalfired combined heat and power plant of Aalborg Forsyning.



Aerial photo of Aalborg East, Industrial estate and the Aalborg Portland cement factory which provides waste heat to the city district heating. The plant has a significant carbon footprint.


Aalborg UtilitiesAalborg Utilities


The local coal fired combined heat and power plant Aalborg Forsyning is currently providing > 50% of the heat for the city's district heating. The coal plant is being decommissioned and more sustainable heat sources will be derived from Power to X and large sea water heatpump.


Aalborg East


The team visited the housing estate of the Himmerland Housing Association, where an integrated urban and energy rejuvenation is being implemented.